Apply For Service | Q Link Support Center (2024)

If you have any questions about our network and benefits, visit our Q Link Wireless Network Help Page to explore frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions before starting the application process:

  • How do I qualify for Q Link Wireless service?
  • Does the Lifeline program have any restrictions?
  • Can I apply if I don’t have email?

Frequently asked questions during the application process:

  • Can I save my application and resume working on it later?
  • Why do I get the “Order cannot be modified” error message when I try to sign up?
  • What is the household worksheet and where can I find it?

Frequently asked questions after submitting an application:

  • Why didn’t I receive a confirmation email?
  • What happens if I mark an email from Q Link Wireless as spam?
  • What will happen if I unsubscribe from Q Link Wireless notifications?

How do I qualify for Q Link Wireless Service?

You may qualify for Q Link Wireless if you participate in one of the following programs:

  • Food Stamps/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
  • Veterans Administration Pension, or Veterans Survivors Pension.

You can also qualify if yourtotal householdincomemeets or is below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Click hereto read more on eligibility orcheck out how to qualify based on your state.

Does the Lifeline program have any restrictions?

Yes, there are a few restrictions:

  • Q Link Wireless’ Lifeline service is a federal benefit program only available to individuals who participate in a qualifying government program or who are income eligible based on household income eligibility standards.
  • Only one wireless or landline Lifeline account is allowed per household.
    • Households are not permitted to receive benefits from multiple providers.
    • Violation of the one per household requirement will result in de-enrollment from the Lifeline program.
  • The address provided for your phone service must be the customer’s current place of residence.
  • The address provided for phone service must be issued in the name of the qualified customer and isnon-transferable.
  • If your Lifeline service goes unused for thirty (30) days, it may be suspended.
  • Customers must notify Q Link Wireless within thirty (30) days if they no longer qualify for Lifeline service. Q Link Wireless participation is subject to the Q Link Wireless Terms and Conditions found

Can I apply for service if I don’t have an email?

To complete the Q Link Wireless Lifeline application online, you’ll need to have a working email account. If you do not currently have an email address, you can create one easily using any email platform. We suggest you create one with Once the email account is created, visitwww.qlinkwireless.comand sign up for your free phone service using your new email address.

Can I exit out of my application and resume working on it later?

Yes! You can close your browser and come back at any time to pick up whereyou left off. Just go to ourhomepage,and enteryour email address and zip code to log back in.

Why do I get an error with “order cannot be modified” when I try to sign up?

You are getting this error message because you previously completed an application forLifeline service through Q Link Wireless. Due to requirements of the Federal Lifeline program, we do not allow you to modify personal data that was already submitted into the system. If you would like to edit your information such as your email address, mailing address or phone number, please sendus an email byclicking here. Make sure to provide your information just like it is on your Q Link account, and explain the issue clearly.It may take up to 72 hours for our Customer Support team to begin processing your request.

What is the household worksheet and where can I get one?

The Lifeline Household Worksheet helps determine if more than one person in your household receives Lifeline. Youmay be required to complete and submit this worksheet in order to sign up for the Lifeline program, or complete your Annual Recertification.

Click here to download the Household Worksheet now.

Why didn’t I receive my confirmation email?

Please make sure your confirmation email is not in your spam folder. If it is, you will have to move the email to your inbox and add Q Link Wireless to your address book. This is an important step to ensure you see and read all of our emails that contain order updates.

If you’re aGmail subscriber, you may see the confirmation email in your “Promotions” folder instead of “Primary.” Please note that Gmail updated the organization of your accounts’ inbox folders. Instead of having only a primary inbox folder, Gmail now includes Primary, Social, and Promotions. To ensure you read all of Q Link Wireless’ emails, we ask to please mark Q Link Wireless as a primary sender. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Find a Q Link Wireless email.
  2. Hold down the left clicker on your mouse on the email.
  3. Drag the email from the Promotions or Updates folder to the Primary folder’s tab until the email and the Primary folder tab turns light yellow and says “Move 1 conversation”. Release the mouse.
  4. Upon asking if you wish to mark future Q Link Wireless emails as Primary, click “Yes.”

What happens if I mark a Q Link Wireless email as spam or unsubscribe?

If you mark a Q Link Wireless email as spam or unsubscribe, two thingsmay happen:

  1. You will not be able to sign up for your FREE phone service through Q Link Wireless. If you already applied, your account will be blocked.
  2. You will no longer receive Q Link Wireless emails, which include important information and updates about your account details.

Please contact us right away to remove the block on your account.You can send us an email byclicking here. Make sure to provide your information just like it is on your Q Link Wireless account, and explain the issue clearly. It may take up to 72 hours for our Customer Support team to begin processing your request.

Apply For Service | Q Link Support Center (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.