V) THE GAZETTE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1338 4 HELP WANTED FEMALE fill WOMEN'S COLUMN BCNDAT'S RESrLTS RACE: Mile. DO Pace, Pur Race Results, Entries, Selections FIRST 5lft The Neighbors By George Corfc DRESSMAKING, alterations. Don't discard outdated cloth' 1 have ideas. Mrs. iDArcy, J0i7 Mansfield.
BElair UM. 4. Of J.Jfi Callia G. Lee. G.
Ramsey TYPIST 2.90 ATLANTIC CITY commanoer, T. Turcotte Chlppa Hanks, N. Bolduc Time- 2:11. Johany Dollar, Sup. mac.
High Plateau, Prince Shimmer, Dashahead, Tilchie. Rule Of Atioe iasv Street. Hale War, Nataear. Itela. i Daily double; Martyr and Blue Spruce i 2nd: 4 and uo.
I IfeM 4.4D Guy Ma Cmk Rob'h DRES8M ARING enurses, bride's trousseau specutty, Apply 3i09 Ayiwin, LAIontaine FAULT Broussard Broussard esty, Brady Direct. Chi Lee, 50 i also staru-d. t.ittle Mich. R. 15.10 9 no a an nid X27.40.
ISou Kver 15. Hichards 3rd: 3 year olds and up, 11-16 Bnara. w.n. 10.70 li.oo 20.90 SKCOND RACE: Mile, Trot Tiirse Young lady, efficient dictaphone operator, good future, finance business. 5 day week.
$o0 starting write giving references and experience tn: BOX 1331. THE GAZETTE Rancher. F. A. Smith, 8.00 4.80 'waretle.
T. R. Root l.u lime: 1.13. Also: Reckless Hanni, 5.20 WO FUR coats at low cost. Repaired, modelled Redved.
CRescent mblinggoiix, E. Arco 4.10 2 90 2 40 Mixs Hueit. Remlllard ialmon, P. J. BaMey 4.80 3.40 Time.
1.13 1-5. Alsoi Argo Zevelie. Me. Stone. T.
Turcotte 14.00 1.70 n-iirnca. m. s.ju fluvail, lonslellalion. Nine Gees. Mary Van.
G. Kitchen g.lft 4.50 gor, Gay Star, Saxony Queen. Orchid made Spreme, Delrish, Maureen F-. Well Sea iniir. i.i riace tic.
nam- nia. Wise Woman, Viciona an iiog. Bold I HATS. Chanaux, original French 12030 Metcalfe Street. BElair 3277.
I soned. iuu. iMiuneur, ri.vins venture. hnisjht. 4th: 2 year olds.
7 furs. Daily duutile: Forever larmomint'. T. Atkinson 6.70 4.30 1.20' Kver oiiio si ik an Wise and Son EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER 2nd: 4 and up. fifurs.
-'Advice. A. Catalano SO I Deep River, J. Culmone Slide Apart. L.
Batcheller 1112 PERSONALS 1.40 5.40 5.611 3.80 4 41) King Chapel, J. Renick 37.0V 11,20 3rd: 3 year uliis I lurs Nah Hiss. W. Blum 3.70 Closed Shop. G.
Walker 1' 80 Time: 1.24 4-5. Alu: Assembly I wily Step, hHiK 6.00 6.80 lime: l.u. simi: laie Miae, or. Aido Kid, Mrs. G.
4.S0 4.70 9.90 iel. Young lady required for large wholesale firm situated on Cola de Luesse Road at tire traffic circle. Good salary and working conditions, f.pply Mrs. Murphy. Riverside 4.5891.
iuiiiiu nm, lo'uihii. -iinnia, I ltail li. Uliprey Reiiner. Pow-Waw Tmie: 1.12 4-5. Piie Susar.
alb Jiaco: and up. 1 l- set Cat, Early Mischief. Little Van. Rm Lounge, Sorensen 14.90 ,.10 5 00 ty Teteln. ltnbmess, Bi itiiit Joy, Valeniuela 5.00 J.iiu lim Canada.
1694 Lincoln Avenue, phone WII- 11'nsn'- a hank Daily double: Little Mich and Advice ioaid $184.60. Dandy Vic, H. Portelance 2.40 Time: 3:09 4,5, Clever Truman, Royal Crusader, Spender Lawrence. True Boy Gentleman Joe also alarted. Daily double: Callie G.
Lee and Mi K. Stone paid $38.00. THIRD RACE: Mile, Pace, Purse J7UO Shadydale S. Tweedie 1.00 .1.50 ID Bonnie Cbiet, F. Leboeilf 3.70 J.90 Duke Spender, G.
Bouvrette 2.90 Tune: 2:09 3 5. stormy King's Princess. Gerry Baker, Pastime Girl also started. FOUHTH Mile, DD Trot, Purse ApiM'UMo. R.
Giguere J.90 Ideal Hanover, C. Blisselte 1.30 3.90 Prospect Boy, J. Taylor S.SO Time: 2:10. Burton Hanover, War Lord. Prince Malva Hanover.
Herman Han. 3rd: 3 year olds. I furs. nitiuub lessons, private, ladies and up, uvriy vave, t.ia.vMner itn Race: 4 and Time, 2.19 3-5. Hish ButliHl.
Lead ilm li, gentlemen, afternoon, evenings. Information REgent 1-4265, Ridgewood 3295, Apt. 14. 7.30 3.90 Scout, Irish lave, Two. a lleireha.
htali'iauM Mr. Weeper, W. Hartack io $.80 j.ao Lochlain. T. R.
Root 14.00 7.60 Fishling Three. W. Shoemaker J.W) Time: 1.12 4-5. Also: Luatrallce, Bill Sionnach. Thanks Anyhow.
Part Time. 4.S0 3.00 3.10 CLERK Finished liist, disqualilied and ulaceU IGosti. limn second. lime, 1.12 1-5. Alvu; Valeiiviaou, Bunuc- 113 BUSINESS PERSONALS Wrights.
Flifiht. Bunch Of Fibs, Gray l.iM.luc xpitislers Luck. Spy Fleet. Peiiecl a plli rlame, Hockessin, sin Race: 3-ver olds, 1 1-18 m. nd 4 year olds, 1 mile Wanted for handling incomtni tales, eheck-in extensions and tallies etc.
Should he able to handle calculator or comptometer. Large downtown office near Morgan's. For appointment write P.O. Box 6T.3. Station Montreal.
lll ftace; 3 "nil 70 HAVE YOUR SUITS MADE Junior Cnic, Smith 31,60 10.60 S.4C Cameo. Burr 4.60 3.20 J.UO Ilappy Landing, Guinea To I'lWl. liye.vatiiu 310 4.V0 S.20 uver also started. 2.501 Vuinella: Appiopo and Ideal Hanover 6lh Race: Hie Cowdin Stakes, (25.000 added, 2 year olds, i 1-2 lur. Mister Jive, vvoodtiouse 12.
40 7.10 5.00 Amai'ullah, Veleu.uela... 22. yo 12.111 Thin ice, AlkliiMin ti.00 ime, 1.17 1-5. Also: Buddy, Klln.ii Dieain, Gavel, Kink Hairan. Tnt' Greek Game, Bureaucracy.
Out To Win. 7th Race: 'I 'tie Woodwatd Slakes, t.j,. iKHi added, 3 and up 1 1-4 m. -Mister Gus, Valenzuela 11.30 uul out or made only. CRes- Turee Jane.
Shoemaker 2.60 Time, 1.4V-3-5. Also: Hipe Marie, Four-ofus. Conga Wy, Vaitey lancer, Flulty aMa, ilvsl.uk. Kauiillaid '2 40 Cut make and trim, cent 2-3221. Mcfhiffy, See See.
ACME Detective Agency. Private lime, 1.44. Also: l.andscaie. Tidy Look. aAiusiila, Lioiu Of Thorn, fausy Paiih -t'ouau-Keasley Slaule 6IU Kace: 2 year olds, vestigation.
Confidential, licensed, paid HI-ill HACK: Mile. and BR Randt. cap Trot, Puise $1,000 Peier Campbell. J. Giguere tM 4.S0 J.00 Sword, L.
Walker 26.M g.oo Mac Star. K. McGrecor 2.90 Time: 2:07 15. Lee Harvester General Meredilh. Caesar Scot.
Rowe Riddell. L.bv An 1 Aft Htt CRescent 9-9479. jviary liwler. Cullarl 5 40 3.6H mil Hying An, in, Wick la. iO 60 3.90 wutjSeo.H- '1'edrty, I'oog 7.U0 3.40 lUlfoiiiau Artist, ItiHlrituei 2,311 tsashua.
Arcaru vut Jet At-tioo. Ilolaiid Time, 2.03, Altai: L'aviui. din II 4 and up, 1 1-16 III. 114 LOST CLERK TYPIST Experienced preferably single end not over 25 for typing and general office work. Financial district.
5 day week, usual employee benefits. Salary $17S per month. Telephone HArbour 9197. Quiz Mar, Root 6.40 Time, 1,25 3-5. Also: Fortunate, Mensen KrniH, Kmion.
Painted Up. Deep Dish. Comes A Tide, flolden Hue. 6th Race; 4 and up. 4 turs.
I line. 1.12. Also: All's t'riiie, Navy Ac- ll Kx.ahl South h'lorida. Martin ll.M 11.40 7.C0 lion, Kitty Girl. Gist, Owl lireeo vll I'll uii.
r. RUDGIE green and yellow, lost vicinity Cannonaiie. Sot-reiilinu 21.411, Holiday Ted, Goi.ziS JtllaJ: Konianiuiii. AlkinMHi 7. Royal 'an, Boulmetis 1.00 4.20 4 00 Candle Wood, Hartack 3.40 2.8U a Leasley Stable entry.
(Kind rir, l.egault 1.70 4 70 got Itace: i and up, 1 1-4 I miss Kamura. Wiener t.M 4 2(t Heet I'alll, Hlnja 3.90 2.70 2.50 Jean Ciallan Rar on RosemounL Reward. I all RAymond 2-5712 evening RAymond 7-685. GINGER CAT, corner Crawford Bridge and Lasalle answers to Csndy, re Emory Mai, Root 8.8t) lime. 1.4o.
Also. Repelled, fKclauirio. Bawn Street. fGrand Sialiilr. llonler Kiiuhl Plumes.
Hetlerwillow, New Venture, llaleur, Gaelic Ctiiel. Field. All View. Hoy so I line: 2:15 15. Alma Diamond Mr ward.
TRenmore 2800. aftlarked Game, Wick 2.40 tiiallan, Ted Hlacklock. Hasta Manana. LADIES Time. 1.11 4-5.
Also: Tax Cut, En as-seiole. Miss Tacaro. Olympia Wiz, By Paddy's Day, Koko Dtc-. 7th Race: The Olympic Handicap, sdded, 3 and up, 1 m. Mi.
Nuiway aim siartrd. f. Hi ioJ tNTHIK I nut. 2.04 1-5. Also: alulusion, Moniiis, vliivsKKill Hey 2nd bllickoiy Hill, a-Keiinedy-Eanle Stable entry, Giaii-ltot- 1st' 1 year ulds.
7 furs. Pont Roval LADY'S gold bracelet, Thursday morning 27th, Westbury, Plamnndon, Trans-island. Reward. REgent 7-3UU3. 118 LECAL NOTICES Wtiiuella: Kind Ktngo and Mim KanUra.
piiifi $.14 yo. SKVKNTH HACK Mile, and CC lluiitlitau Tioi. Fur tSOU; 1)12, Aldan lip 116, Ellington 112 START NOW FOR BIG CHRISTMAS EARNINGS AS AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE. FOR INFORMATION: UNIVERSITY S-0894. uiii ii.ji-r; i nun up: i l-io IU.
aMary's Bubble. Cox 34.20 lO.oO 5.40 Kind. Guerin 3.60 2.80 County Clare, Hartack 3.60 'lime, 1.40 1-5. Also: Howdy Baby, Nor- "I mnst have sounded silly giving Sonny all that fatherly advice. I don't know anything about college life." S.W, Mi Kra.
Con lev 13. SMI ranks twit, hitti.n.U V.tfO iy.W Sovruii l.iit, ttiiiiiiaiu 4.jU Kir at Cannon. Uiguere 3.20 tllue Siniuii, 'ViiaHfH wiii maody 2nd. aTony's Chance, Akbar Khan. A Will u.
Mau nVanJ FROM this dale Sept. 28. 195, lo Snappy Silencer. McGregor 7.80 lion 116. Chicago Style 116, Vla.uKlik 1U9.
Count Case 112, Woody a Pat 112. Hun Trick 109. Nilgai Pn-ice 112, Heal Fancy 112, Pionerress 109, Dave Johnston 112, Jay Rao 112, Fine Dick 116, Nibonny IP Nirfren 112, Seapoise 112, Tiswar 116, Varga 116. 'tnrt 'Am nH tin I lira Iui a si stair 1 'IH 95 DOMESTIC HELP WANTED not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone else than myself. I I 45, Aiu: Honnie 1'imi -aiiif, Lady's.
Arjevveii, K. I'ennu. biimiii Buy. Wuiruin, 'iu- 94 HELP WANTED. FEMALE 94 HELP WANTED, FEMALI Lofty Peak, a O'Connell-OConnell entry.
8th Race: 3 year olds, 1 1-16 ro. Pounditout, Culmone 17.40 7.60 4.30 Thomas Pearson, Chambly Road, St, GENERAL or couple. Husband to work in Hubert. out. for home near the shrine in I one: 2:10.
Watcha. Blawng Bill. Maryland Grace also started. Gale Merit did not finish. Hall Guy scratched.
EIGHTH RACK Mile. and BR Handicap Pace, Purse $1,000: Nila Rosecroit, "Lei eiife 16.06 7 80 4.3ft Bomb A Percy Bohillard 19.20 .51 Heather C. Scott. 3.3B Apex, Shoemaker 4.20 Model Ace 113, Vai 117, First Glance Hi! At Sunrise, O.nV Unpin.ililrs IIS I u.k 117 I.I Wu, I KNlHliJt Time, 1.47 1-5. Also: Empty Purse.
"a p.V-. u. Westmount. Own room with bathroom and cupboard. Automatic dishwasher, washing mschine.
dryer, etc. One child, Man as houseman, chauffeur, gardener. High lst: 4 and in. WhAldniinr, up. 1 Ull.
1 Iovea Eternal, Gann'a Jewel, La A Ja FEMALE. TYPIST copo. Kara Kate. Dance fcpin. rour jacaa iij.
Gill 114, Teira.zini ill, 3rd: 3 year olds, 11-2 m. Klaiuen i Hellesi'i ipt 111, ai'he Peer 122. bVertrees SEnVICE DIRECTORY Time: 2:08 13. 'Hie Black Prince, I Peter Brooke 3rd. Dominion Avaloa Uavelon.
Scotch Spencer alsn started, NINTH RACE Mile, Open Trot, Purse $1,500: Newport Bruce. Pelletler 15.30 5.50 5.10 BELMONT RESULT! alary. Apply HUnter 9-332. EXReTmenCED cook female! for rtH-gicus community. Living quarters.
All nev equipment. Apply to Brother Daniel, LAfontaine 1-6150. Evenings, LAIontaine I2S BUSINESS SERVICES Need Extra Money? 142, nenanicus lu, meaai Man ho, x-cSo Suave 112, xMarse Reorce 103, zam's Pel 142. Olympia 'g Ace 145, Scout jxMarlha Crest 109, xJoey Bomber 104. Mission 145, M.vciolt 145, Voleur 145, Dare 112.
Hubert Jean 122, Hir.lt tuxent 145, Lake Marion 145, xxxBerber Back 122. Kin Choculate 114, Kelina 110, 135. a Old Guard 119, bDanle 114, cSampan 4th: 2 year olds, I furs. Calico Miss 114. 1st: 4 and up.
furs. NF.OV SIGNS painted. All types of commercing letterings. LAfontaine 6-4102. 5-1839.
4833 Christophe Colomb Street. S.70 Martyr. A Schwizer 7.20 .4.40 Mr. Anchor. J.
Combeat 7.00 4 80 116, Gang Miss 116. Julep Point 116, Wat-! a Calhoun-Trusler entry, 6.70 er Lily 119, afarullah 112, xBlark List Farms entry. Ashenden, M. Danisi TOMAN to mind I children In exchange for room and board. Small salary.
DEx- ter 3312. Ben Boy. Waples 3.50 3.fl Laddie Hanover, Leboeuf Time: 2:07 35. Berk Hanover. King Fitz.
Aerial Gunner, Maine Song, Cheer till Lad alsn started. TENTH RACE Mile, CC Pace, Purse $700: Time: 1.11 1-3. Also: Red Wsgon, By 1 114. a rable For Two 119, East Coast 119. 2d: 4 and up, 1-2 lurs.
Smokv Day Over 18 years of age required for various positions necessiutng typing speeds from 24 words per minute to 45 words per minute for certain positions. Candidates need to be fluently bilingual, work is on shifts but we offer good starting salaries with regular increments and excellent opportunities for advancement. Apply in person between 9:10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday lo Friday to Cindy.
Kinds Rough, Deepdale, Quick Volley 116, Capelet 116, Punctilious 119, 117. Ace Bout 114. xDemoslhenes 2nd 112, PROBLEMS, PERSONAL OR BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING, PENSION. ETC. WM.
PAXMAN, CONSULTANT. PLATEAU 8667. S25 WEEKLI. Cook general for 3 persons. References, CRescent 4-7300.
Elv-Lo, Gay Pole, Hoop Ring. 2nd: 2 year olds, 7 furs, Jetadora 112. Gossamer 119. xSemblanre 109. xKlyin? Joe 107.
lnlcr- a Phipps-Kine Ranch entry. 'val 117. xHasti Night 109, xWabash Re- sn 1 5lh; 2 vr. olds. ftn-a.
Nevl riaiA ra ii', 117 si-iu rkg iia Pontiac Bob. Miller 14.10 4.70 3.9(1 Blue Spruce, I. Valeuzuela 20 4.00 trivs nv rnMurnnii nn nrr-u 3.8fllll7, John Gordon 120. Gilber 117. Flutter Alaflame 117.
My Ambition 119, Barbi's Dainty Grattan. Leboeuf 2.90 2.70 P. J. Bailey 4.S0 fslCALs ALSO SKCRKTARIAI. tvnRK wens, 97 AGENCIES, SIDELINES WTD.
Jet Master. Walker 3.30 7.40 TYPING, STENCU. ADDRESSUsG. CRES-' W'? 117, Roman Might 120, xJudgement 115 Witches Magic 117, Pilots Rose 113, Mili Louken- Time: 1.24 4-3. Also: Catsklll, CENT 4-7892.
Time: 2:10. Great Queen Miss Laviolette, Mr. Counsel, Scottish Zephyr, TELEPHONE answering service: mail SALESMAN 132A TELEVISION REPAIR addressed promptly. Lowest price UNi Daints Donation also started. Quinella: Pontiac Boh and Grattan paid $22.40, versity B-BB07.
tary Trail 113. 6th: 3 and up. 1 1-8 m. Allien 115. Miban 119, Cedar Hill 119.
War Hawk 115, Liberty Sun 1119, xEsca Lass 105, Mr. Am 115. Rns-Nuala 116. 7th: $25,000 added. The Maskette Handicap, 3 and up.
1 m. Another World 106. Myrtle's 111, Palace Dancer 10.1, Well acquainted with excellent connection TELEVISION, radio service end rental Weekly, monthly. Call CRescent MfcU. in the Toronto Area aio Easurn and Western Ontario areas with Department Vit evening staff ei The Gaiette Classified Dept.
has openings now for housewives and business girls. 30 te 40, Interested in working 2 evenings weekly from i p.m. to m. selling by phane tor salary and bonus. A pleasant telephone voice, legible handwriting and good spelling are.
required. Billngualiam a definite asset. PLEASE CALL ONLY MONDAY After 6 P.M. MISS GORDON UNiversity 6-4771 127 BUILDING SUPPLIES Joe 117, Gnlosla 117, Royal Measure 114, Lrsllefay 117, Forever Bon 122, Kentario 117, Lucky Lady 116, xGay Drummer 114. 3rd: 2 year olds, 6 furs.
x.Nat Turf 113, xxSpeed Ator 111, Chessel Doe 115, Old Farmer 118. xllay He 113, Over The Fence 118, aPersian Arch 115, aKay Top 115, Kingfield 118, bBolitha 118, bPare 118, Subway Lady 115, a Badame-Rodger-son entry, Steen entry. 4th: 3 year olds, 7 furs. x-aPinup Boy 115. xxjillian's Beau 112, xaNadroir 113.
Unearthed 117, Turn Cold 117. xx.Ioy-alor 110. xFensu 112, Vera Dear 117. Battle Harbour 120. Paby Zac 112.
Dinner Dance 117. lrmingard 117.. a Bovaird.Riordan entry. 5lh: 4 and up. furs.
aMaidenhalr Stores, Hardware Jobbers. Industrial Con CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ROOM 105 961 INSPECTOR (BEHIND CENTRAL STATION) cerns, Chain t'nits. and Mill Supply House Scampering 106, Searching 123, Parlo 117, 133 CLEANING interested in representing progressive Blue Banner III, Pucker Up .111, Blue Monday Entries) 1st Race: D. Trot, $400: 3. Winged Volo.
H. Harn 7 3. Tony Song. H. Larochelle i 7.
Reawyn. Y. Catel'ier 4. Gay Marie. P.
Blouin I 2. Vonarx. G. Eisenstaedt manufacturers. Box 8751 Gazette.
Sparkler 126. Exclusive 106. Happy Princess 107, Bctsann 106, Rare Treat 110, BELMONT DEMOLITION 8ih: 4 end up, 1 1-8 m. Billy'a Gem 113, xSonosicuro 105. xGallant Fanar 105, ARCADIA PAINTING CLEANING CO.
REG'D. 98 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 8. Homestretch Bobby, R. Ryan. Happy Chap 113, aElmlohr 110.
xTexola 10 12 108. a Mount Bundle 113, xProctor 108. x- All kind of nsed building materials for HOURLY OR CONTRACT WORK. WORK 15 Tan Hide 105. Port Windsor 113.
Sym sale. Such as board, hardwood flooring.lDONE BY TRUSTWORTHY. EX PER- PROGRESSIVE undergraduate In commerce faculty seeks position in central, metrical 117. Big Woods 117, Fst Boy 113, ioyces. bricks, plumbing equipment, pipes.
IENCED FULLY QUALIFIED MEN. 6. Malcolm Astra, E. Bradette 1. Cinnamon Jack.
F. Church Also: Saint Louis. F. Leboeuf. 2nd Race: D.
Pace, $400: 4. Jane Mile, F. Baise 6. Poleon Roaecrnfl. R.
Caldwell bolt doors, windows, doors. 2 and 3 MALF CHAR SERVICE BY DAY OR western, or northwestern section nf citv. Health a factor. Please call DExter 9139 day or evening. Main Speaker 113.
a Katts-Oppenheim entry, a 5, xx 10 lbs. sac. 2 inches framing, tin. Also Isrge quantity I HALF DAY. 7 2 wood a 11 Inches 20 to 26 feet long, FITZROY 3100 ANYTIME Applv Cote St Paul Road, yard facing Young Girl Wanted I.
Queen Eton. G. Lachance 5. 8. Gardner's Ray.
R. Ryan 8 Bridge. Flttroy 5620. 115. zKarmarked 116.
xRrd Lips 112, 115, Bernlord 113, Chipawood 113, xCue Passe 116. a Medway Sta. ent. 6th: 3 end 4 year olds, 7 furs. Red Star 111.
Sinter 114, Hickory Boy 107, Paddyshah 117. Into The Grape 107. a-Mine Stone 114, Low Bidder x-a Madam Oak 106. Flving Mark 114, xSea Gold 112, bSolerity 114, bHIrt 115. aKohl Cooke entry; Taylor entry.
7th: $10,000 added, handicap, 1 year olds, 1-8 m. Canadian Champ 126, Queen's Reich 114, Big Berne 117. Law-day 117, Air Page 120, Top Tourn 117. YOUNG or woman to live with family in cheerful modern home. Excellent position for responsible person who will like two well behsved little boys.
REgent 7-5345. CHAR helper, wants work in bouse. All Montreal General Hospital REQUIRES Housekeeping Helpers interior cleanta; dona. WEIUnston 6239. CONSTRUCTION STEEL 12 SELECTIONS Best bet: Next Day.
1, Dave Johnston. Nirgal Prince. Nibonny; 2. First Glance, Islander, Yarn; 3, Olympia's Ace, Hcl-lanicus. Mednl Man: 4, Water Lily, Table For Two.
FarulLah; 5. Next Day, John Gordon Flutter: 6. Cedar Hill. Mr. Am, Mizban: 7.
Searching, Blue. Sparkler, An 2. Pat G. Abbe, E. Bradette 7.
Monocle Man. J. Vilandre 3. duch*ess Bars. M.
Gingras 5. Alden Cane. J. Weiner Also: J. J.
Direct. 3rd Race: D.D. Pace, 1500: I. Little Majesty. N.
Bardier Large quantity or 340 ton beams. Dinars. rnanneis for angle tn perfect condition. 134 UPHOLSTERINC Reautred Pipes, radiators, furnaces, wcod, doors, window Laieunesse Demollsher. 1215 Papinean.
LAfontaine 3-2187. 8th: 3 and up, 1 M6 m. Jamboll Tor araes residence end patients floors HAIRDRESSER Apply in other World. Big Woods. Symmetrical, 110.
Beau Oraga 115, Flak's First 112. rith competent card steady Job. Tel. St. 1,1 12 wanted part time Port Windsor.
laght Houskeeputf dunes. Hour of duty: 30 am. p.m. and I a.m. 4 p.m Goodyear Upholstering 191 VAN RORNE CRESCENT 1.
Apache Pass, R. Caldwell 2. William K. Waples 4. Willow Blue.
S. Cooler 5, Midnight Denn. H. Larochelle Euttacha 4070. 800 FEET hardwood mineral boards.
1'A inches. Call RAymond 2-5983. Elphinslone 112. Black Susan 114. xTerie bonne 118, Chechessee 120.
$2, 3, xx 7 lbs. aac. dava weakly Include meal and rest telephone and clerical work person to: The Hoover Company Limited T. LAWRENCC BLVrt. SUFFOLK DOWNS RESULTS CHESTER FIELD REMODELLED AND i'' 101 IMPLYMNT CONSULTANTS REUPHJLSTERED.
DRAPERIES. (SLIP periods. Dietary Helpers 128 BUILDING TRADES COVER $69 UP. 1st: end up. 1 1-16 m.
Futuremtue. C. Biirman' 1.40 4.80 Rich. 6. Volie Belle.
F. Leboeuf 10 7. Williamsburg. P. Robillard 12 6.
Bruce Baker, N. Temple IS Also: Corporal Grattan, K. MrNutt, 4i Race: C. Trot, '(600: 4. Darn Sweet.
H. Portelance I 5. Therese Princeton, R. Grandmaiene I CHAIRS (kitchen) recovered, high quality 7MI eneu Our Country, H. Block 13.20 leatherette, set $29.50.
RAymond 1-4516. 3.80 I till 6.80 Hot Re- Tracer Light. G. Hettinger A-l ELECTRICAL work le oor business. Rewiring changes, 220 volts.
T. and M. Electrie CRescent 9-7151 or MUrray 1-8779. Time: 1.50 1-5. Also: Big Slorm, BATL'kDAT'S RESULTS Tor mean eervtr to patient and for eantry service.
Hours of duty 7 a So p.m. 2 days weekly Include meal end real periods. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Walker, Sailor Lad, Nero'a Mermaid, 3. Safety Man O. Knight FIRST Mile.
1). Trot, purse $4(10: 134 UPHOLSTERING ply'a Image. Collision. Aptitude Testing F. 1.
LAPOINTE. M.A., L.Ph. CONSULTING PSYCHOLOGIST Formerly with the D.V.A. and The Montreal General Rrsrital 1477 SHERBROOKE ST. WEST FItiroy 5912.
or Eater 4345 7. Diana Worthy, A. Glard Cranfcile. flalelli.e 93 20 7 fin 4 70 2nd: 3 year olds, m. and 70 yard) ASPHALT, general paving, driveways, concrete walks, brick pointing.
Guaranteed wo-k. Free estimates. ELwood 1177. Siaco Sister, H. McKinley fhir Charm.
Wiener 4 80 4ni JCLLDE 1 MEALS DAILY, UNIFORMS JLND FREE HOSPITALIZATION, REGU- ALARY. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE upholstery, mattress Fogle ee. P. I. Grimm 15.40 9 20 Joe a Jeep.
G. Hettinger 12.20 BOOKKEEPER FREE estimate on repairs. Boyer Ltd. 7.00 Remus The Second. Roloson 4.70 RAymond 2-4623.
ROOM NO. SB 1S25 PINE AVE. WEST. new RUiLDiNG contractor, repair and aub-eontractor. MArquette 1755, 2.
Ramrod, V. Lutman I. Donegal. P. Robillard 6.
Doc Silk. Jorinin Also: Patrick Hum, L. Pelletier, Sth Race: CC. Pace, 1700: 3, Counsella. E.
Rowe UPHOLSTERING of all kinds. Ressonable Time: 2.13 4 5. Grattan Baker. Flo Express, O'Riley, Our Victory, Flaxacot also started. SECOND Mile.
D. Pace, purse $400: Hopkinsv llle Girl. While 13.40 4 Ml 3.40 102 EDUCATION. INSTRUCTION price. LAfontaine 1-0641, uujui PEP.pEKRGr-Upholsterini chesterfield, 129 PAINTERS.
DECORATORS studio, made to measure, specialty. 3223 I 7 2 Newport Indian. A. Banna Toddlee Grattan. Boucher 3.60 2.H0H Tardal.
Dunlan a Csrokvyn Crattan. D. Madell 1 Catherine East. LAfontaine 3-9649. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN vk Burk Admiral, C.
Biermsn (.80 Time: 1.49 3-5. Also: Little Dill. Peg-murf. Delarnian, Snowdon, Plain Jim, Little Cynthia. Daily double: Futuresque end Fogle Lee paid $102.80.
3rd: 2 and up, 8 V. Bierman 3.40 2.M 2.70 Peas Pudin Hot, D. Deroln 4.60 3 00 Allsonia, P. Grimm 3 no Time: 1.15 1-5. Also: Wire Works, Well-fleet.
Verdant, Is Newborn, Sara.Cnaoa. 4lh: 3 and up. furs. Rearrangement, G. Gihb 1.40 1 40 2 80 Nothing Yet.
I. Deroin 2.40 3.M) Tuck, F. Van Hook 3.80 Time: 1.14 1-5. Alsn: Cnaxlal, Dalliance, ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED GENERAL PAINTING. hEASONABLE.
ALLOY CRAFT LIMITED Fltzroy 4653 4. Voluminous. L. Denault A 3. Clever Parlay.
B. Shuttleworth 2. Direct K. Guy, P. Caldwell I 7.
Atom. R. Fennn 12 Time: 2.10 3 5. Ripland. Mr.
Tass. Davey'g Baker, Hot Circles, 1. J. Direct also started. Daily double: Graphite and Hopkinsvllle Draperies, the best im- LAUR.
DRIVING SCHOOL j-asta. ported materials. Custom made furniture i and repaira. J. Simo Home decorator.
I. SI. J. Vilandre Girl psid $137.25. paint ALBERT BEAUCAGE, experienced er Availshle Immediately, eood ork.lCR- 1-ml- 5011 park Ave.
3 AN HOUR DUpont $-7731. THIRD Mile, D.D. Psce. purse $:00: Hainley. Baise 8.80 4.90 3 50 Nikie Dillon Sauve 14.40 3 70 135 FLOORINC.
R001NC Call CRescent piaster repairs. 15 l-450lCEMENT. Graftex. I years experience. Licence guarantee, or REgent 7-6379.
Tim Worthy, Dusaault 4.20 Guaranteed. I.afoo-J Also: lma Fingo, P. Robillsrd. 6th Race: C. Trot, (600: 2.
Victory Frost, M. Gingras 6. Josedale Attorney, Lemay I. Lady Van K. Kennedy 7.
Mighty Nibble, N. Bardier 3. Feed Bill. L. Denault B.
Olive B. Harvester, H. MiKinley tame 3-9473. We require I caps We Mechanical draughtsman for our uptown head office. Applicants must have at least 1 years high school, draught ing course end 5 years experience.
Excellent opportunities for sd-vancement. Good working conditions end full employee benefit plan. ANY TYPE ROOF, save -i total cost with Time: 1.11. Single Lee. Mr.
Martin, For Excellence, Debora Frost, Waybeau also "ZONE" coating, also water proofing pro $2 7 2 8 8 I 12 12 started. King Twig, Arirls First, Chappy's Pass. 5th Race: 3 aod up. 1 m. and 70 yds Red Mountain.
Pace, purse $700: NEED EXTRA MONEY? ducts for wood, brick, cement. Call It roy 6730. FLOORS sanded, finished, "expert, day Eleanor Hal Temple $.90 4.40 3 50 4. Gav Note, L. Poulsnn Wiiling Widow.
K. Waples DAY NIGHT evenings. Modern equipment. LAfontaine CONTRACTOR would paint inside, outside. 10 LESSON PARK AVE.
CRESCENT 1-8037 MARRIED WOMAN 2-3823. Cheribeacon. Van Hook 3.40 Time. I 48 4-5. Also: Doctor Tooy.
In A Spin, Halt Denny, Lord Jeff, Easy Trail. 6th Race: 3 and up, I fur. Lady Lix, Lefebvre 15.00 8 60 4.40 Betty Hal Rowntree 2.70 4,40 5, Our Honor. Caldwell 8 60 Time: 2.07. Buster's Girl.
Smokey Online, Carrol Cash, Neighborly, lie Jean Hec also started. 3. FLOORS aanded finished, like new. Rea sonable. LAfontaine 1-9761.
ATTEND Westmount Business College. nan pnee immediately. LAfontaine 5-2M84. EUROPEAN painter Insidet outside. Guaranteed work, lowest prices.
BElair 2373. FIRST CLASS workmanship, painting, dec-orating and paperhanging. PLateau 1744 Also: Frank Reynolds, J. Taylor. 7th Race: C.
Pace, $600: Glidemite. R. McGregor 4. Colonel 1. Geisel jr 6.
July the R. Bruyere 7. Kenney Volo, A. Boucher 9. Bay Cochalo, R.
Fenno 3. Lite Vnnian. J. Vilandre Grsdustes with leading firms. Success gua- Ouinrlla: Eleanor Hal W.
and Betty Rail Would you like to get bark to office rou. Slim, Landers J.SO 3.01! MR. PARK CRANE LIMITED UNIVERSITY 6-6511- old" teed. paid $21.40. ine, for short periods, as a change frorai ranteed.
Night class. Private lessons day FLOORS made new. Work guaran. Roger Chouinard. TRenmore 1221.
housekeeping duties? If you are an evening. Call WEllingtoa 1885. Penny. I FIFTH Mile. B.
Pare, nurse lanO: I Too Flush. Walda Time. 1.14 2-S. Also: Bright Nahrawan, Ripingale, Sistime, Av. Sailed Chief, Dussaiilt 4.30 2.90 Il "'fwimm er.ior; yon en-1 be BILINGUAL In 2 months, eorrespon- mv aa a-1 a am a i se i.
a i or r-uirau 44a2. FHe.fi estimation, steam removing wall Navy Song, While 4.30 2.70 1 private lessons. LAfontains -02v. 2. Mary Sullivan.
F. Church furs. 7th Rare; 2 and up. I Red Volo 3.501 paper, plastering, painting. Phone DUpont 136 MOVINC.
CARTACE, and Storage 1. Morlev Scott. M. Marrhurk nr.i.ir zihij. trnice Co.
Ltd. 130 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Star Rover. Bierman o-esis.
3 on 8.nn 4.60 3.40 12.40 Time: 2.06 3-5. Aunl Molly. Holly Knsecroft, Crescendo, Dream Direct alsn RAIRDRESSrNG, beauty culture classes. Odirntk. Keen- Noble Try.
Gibb OUR PAINTING specialty. Start painting 3.60 started. Day, evening. Enrolment anytime. Apply Robertson Hairdressing School 15O0 Alsn: Joe Rare P.
Dussatill 8th Race: B. Pace, $800; 4. King Gold. F. Leboeilf 7.
Mac Binsen. P. MUler 5. Mighty Cashier. H.
MrKinley evening! timsn morning, factories, res ACME Moving Reg'd. Local and long distance. Specially stoves, fngidsires, pianos. Crating, storage. LA.
2-4034. lime. 1.12 3-5. Also: Gunrod. Varsity.
Park Dandy. Deep ITtoueht. Wise Margin, taurants, offices, warehouses, etc. Free St. Catherine West, call FItiroy 4852.
3 2 5 3 9 1 Chief FaneUl. l-ssnie Lea. SIXTH: Mile Trot. Purse $vwv Direct RiddeU. Rowe 2.90 3.10 23.70 Queen Maxwell.
Caldwell 7.30 S.90 Hope Rinen. Miville 8.90 Time 2 12. Also: Corporal Grne. He's' eattmsles. Krausoe enc Sons, DExter 4402.
PAINTING, plastering, spraying, minor repaira. E. SL Marie. LAfontaine 4-7121. ih Race: .1 and up, 1 He '2.
Single Chips. C. Lockhart 3. Casey Sullivan, Mrs. M.
Williams ALL KINDS MORNING NURSERY. Register now. Reasonable rates, few vacancies. Marlowe near Cote St. Antoine.
WAInut 1608. of moving, low price In or Worl- guaranteed. CRescent 9 Skv Faith. Gihb I.W 300 2.40 File And Drum. S.o Acclivity.
Birmn 2.60 nut of city. 9-6577. It. Junior Ned. Mery Boy.
Air Defence. SEVENTH: MiJe DD pace. Purse g.Sno 131 CARPENTRY. PLASTERINC Time. 1.47 3-3.
Also: solar clipper, rest APRIL Trananort. nu.a Bea Marony. moving. Anywhere In Quebec I.Afnntain. fire lay Creed.
Waples 3.60 2.70 2.40 9th Race: and uo, 1 l- m. 2-7330. Experienced Typist English speaking. Good snl.rv and work ing conditions. 9 day week, Apply Ditto Quebec Limited 265 Vitre St.
West UNiversity 6-4367. 15.40 7.20 catty Anns, Wlciuniey a. tu a.i Greek Admiral, Shaw MONAt.CR WOODWORKING ROLLAND AVE Master carpenters and cabinet makers. 7 in 3 ail Margaret l.ee nai, nnwmree a -w 12 12 7 3 8 8 12 ia 8. Mishty Cox.
V. Waddell I. Stuart Cass. A. Cote 8.
Chuck Astra. R. While 9th Race: D.D. Trot. 2500: 4.
Argo Mite. Mrs. M. Williams 1. Tim's Are.
J. Mclntyre 7. True Silver. H. Harp 8.
Buster Abbe. W. Harvey i. Prinre Britton. A.
Grise 6. Duke. Edmunds 3. Chuck Colhy. M.
C.oiirnoyer 5. Tim's Lad. J. Cordon Alsn: Timber, J. (luesnel.
INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. DAY AND EVENING HUNTER 9-3211. vve no planned kitchens, basem*nt, play LsFS. aZ: Mi Rico. BoVn" I.nd" Siy Jane, Verity Lad.
Sir rooms, office partitions snd general wood ia.rl llrrilir. Another Moon. nroone. ROILY TRANSPORT, MOVING CARTAGE. 4532 PARTHEN.JS.
LAFONTAINE 4-2871. work, ru, yi.ur home, laffice or etore POntiac 8-9071. Quinella paid-ill. 3i. P.
Run, John B. rebuild and repair, all CONTRACTOR, kinds carpenter CRescent 7-8905. CALL TRUDEAU Transport, moving frig-idaire. fusniture, roomers trunks. LAfontaine PRIVATE course in shorthand, ENTRIES 1st: 3 year olds.
7 1-1 furs. Some c-. iii UVi.a.r m. c.iatur Pee r-ngnsn ana French. Miss IjVigne, 98 Duluth East LAfontaine 3-3344.
Purse $wmv-Irish Gender. Baise 9 70 5.10 3.60 Altoona. Gll.se 7 80 4 70 Lusty Worthy. Hanna 4.10 Time. 2.08 2-5.
Also: lma Grandwor-thv. Altoona. Nicky Volo. NINTH: Mile open trot and pace handicap. Purse $1,500 F.ira Deen.
Conley 70 4.10 4.30 Poplar Veep. Ryan 7 10 $.40 Star Volo. Leboeuf 4 80 Time, 2.04 4-5. Also: Kahla Key. Adio Abe.
H. B. Chief- Lady's lad. True Jack. ROWLAND Tutorial School classes end private tuition Matriculation.
University CLERK-TYPIST LOW priced moving, city, ooun'ry, dsy no, Ruilevant Lad 115. xRose Capital 107. and night All transnoriatlon guaranteed Mr And Water 112. old Shep 113. Golden Bedard Transport.
PLateao 7000. i 112. Faith Ann 113. I 2nd: 2 year olds. 8 fur.
Moonlown MONTREAL moving, storage. $5 hour72 lu Rd ll0, n'ebo1 Jn" men. Insured. LAfontaine 1-6650. il.
Fairmlng 111, Some Score 113. x- Burr W. ink. Plane Ada 111, Joe toady I.ANIlV WINS BAREFOOT Mrlbournp, Sept. 30 (P) John Landy, running in bare feet on a soft grass track, today won his first competitive race since May the two miles in charitr 132 CENERAL REPAIRS supplemental and school grades.
Fltzroy 1339, 69 Bruce Ave. STENOGRAPHIC Institute of France, 1939 St. Denis, HArbour O.s02. French and ijj xMy Tumbelma 107. moving, storage 25 hour.
2, jrd, i ver olds. 1 m. snd 70 yards- IDEAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR MONTREAL English stenography, typing, bookkeep TENTH Mile f. trot, rurse Mm-ninelnn men Insured. LAfontaine 1-6650 His time ing, office routine, aemi-private course SHORTHAND TYPIST j.io t.yv Lafayette.
PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON TO CANADIAN ICE MACHINE COMP4NY LIMITED, 1241 GUY STREET, MONTREAL. trans- Up. Hanna oriek-wnrk. basem*nt, chimneys, all type Porta lion, LAfontaine 4-SHK). TYPING, two months" course.
oi carpentry work and repairs. Also build- 3.4(1 Love Can. Room 118, 1405 Bishop street. I Bonnie a Comet. Bi issetle i Time, 2.09 4-5.
Also: Swing Up- 'song A Frank Yebolda, Chinook Dixon Hanover. ing Cleaning, sandblast process. The world champion mller looked his old stylish "I felt quite good, but it is evident that I lack racing form." he said. ROUSSII.LE 7677. transport, general movlne estimates.
Phone UNiversity 10119. Long diatanre VE anvwhere. I 371.6 Good Hsrbor 114. Du Delight 114. Hair Pin 115.
Sky Merrhsnl 114, The Summit 114, Boofeve 115, Day Older 118, Hy Handy 118. 4th: 3 end up. 8 fur. Clay Mouse 114. Lolasmoke 110.
Benel 114. Pilot Model 114. Beautiful Vine 111, Big Heart III. Kaintrre 114. 5th: 3 vear old, 8 furs.
Aurirsvllle 1IJ. Mythical Land 113. Ultra Priam 114, Tribunal UI. I arty Sue B. 110, xHrassy Miss iim.
Kirch Brook 116, Helens Ace 113. xNabbs 104. Slh: 2 year olds, furs. aCholce Quinella paid 210 05. 103 TRADE SCHOOLS ALTERA TN').
carpentry, brick, cement roil repairs. DUpont 9- 1 floor, chimney, big demand 12. VETERAN with small truck available for moving. Fred. Wllbank .10.18.
Also mane other repairs, LAtuo- Business Daze O-l free evtitnale. guaranteed woik Itaine 8-2686, CCTDCT A BV CTrkirtrn irn i high school commercial, technical JtvlvuiriM LINUUKMrntK '7 monthly payment covers cost nf all oiUltouble 114. a Here Come Joe lit. Grey ALL KINDS repairs, furnaces, healing. hooks and Instructions.
Information UNiv er- BRICK, stone, cement, carpentry, estimation. RAymond 2-5251. I burners, cleaning. 24. hour service.
R. CI "lap HI. Karoc u. sstpprr Money hi, sity evenings Riverside 7-1013, Hjiriss, HI nter BUILDING repairs, alterations, window1 caulking. Magnnet CRescent 1-9679, HAr b-ur 3879.
CALL-SERVICE, refills, cleaning oil burners. MArquette 6aj7. For medical director of small speaking hospital. State qualifications and salary expecied. BOX tin THE GAJSFTTK COLEMAN furnaces.
871. barrel, tan. CARPENTER, finishing, repsils, modern alanrl 4S gallons oil. Free installa'lon. MISCEttAXEOtI cabinet, renovations.
City, country Terms. Verrctle, Wllbank 0555, dome 4668, xKinreiia in, Mr. Marcey us. xxnever-ent 107. O'icnne 111, Eamohe 114.
a McMahan-Caillouetie entry. 7th: 3 year olds. furs. War Stretch 112. Mtfhty Baker 122, Cherry K.
rMotor Line 119. Dark Charer 114. Lucille M. 114, Norma'e First in, k-eSandy Dandy 114, x-a Pine Echo 117. a Sandy Lane Farm-Siravo entry.
8th: i and up. 1 1-16 m. Brian Rom 117, Misstate 111, Relldlver 111, Mr. Du. huque 111.
Picnt 106, Max's Reward 113. xTedregal 1n. 9t.i: 4 and up, I 1-8 m. Jam 114, Dandy Dan 114. Quarter-Master 117.
x- HARDWOOD floor CENERAL REPAIRS hags, (5. RAymond PtASTFnivr iT svJddu.M 10- Call Ceo. Dupont, Junior Stenographer FULL TIME POSITION. 5 10 CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES CEMENT, STUCCO RR1CK REPini otiKhEEPER Typist for architect's nlftcc. Must be accurate end have initiative.
HOUTB I tn 5.JU. dav week. I.tvln. 7-1882. CEMENT BLOCKS.
INTERIOR EXTE west -nd preferred. Wellington 42J1 FCLLT equipped darkroom, enlarge nrint RIOR PAINTING, WOOD REPAIRS FOUNDATIONS. HOURLY OR CONTRACT. AVENUE dryer, work bench. Mise Holmes.
i r.r.n,. nuins a-45 TO 5 LUNCH HOURS. FOR APPOINTMENT TELE- a. if etc. Alter 7 p.m.
INSTALLATION-REPAIRS blowers, grills, oil burners, heavy oil, "Staflco" light "Korth" Stnckers merh. ante and hvilrautlc new and used VEndoms 3497, CLERKS: Some hanking or office experience helpful. Minimum giade IX or equivalent. day week. Apply Bank of Grerk Stadium 114, Montana Heating.
Plumbing Company, 3110 Clark Equilla K.9, ,114. Tunesmith 114. Burnt Mullet 111, TUCK-POINTING, walerproofing, building cleaning and mssory work. Call as for call nr.lair 3319. III WOMEN'S COLUMN i- ii- i n.r,- Nova Scotia.
1470 Peel Street, room 404 Utopia 117, xArlelod 109. "lift iv KID AYS Personnel Office Westmount City Hall Fltzroy 8531 -s 3. a 5, xx 7 lbs. aae. telephone MArquette Msg.
EUROPEAN DESIGNER free estimate. All work written guar-' INSTALLATION oil burner, repairs, clesn aniee. Full Insurance covers ae. HArhnur ing eervtre. DUpont 1-1687.
PRACTICAL M.1RSE TO CARE FOR made dresses fror exclusive 04.14. ai.ii-i.vai.iu, SOME LIGHT r.nun rweea. yoile, pure HorsEHot.rt piriKiur I complete 8:9. Aiierationa ahi BF.I.F.CTIONS Best het: Supper Money. 1.
And Water. Rose Capital, Ruttervant Lad; 2, Jo Cnady, nehnl. My Thlimhellnai 3, IJt CARDEKINC SUPPLIES. nd Services HOME SURROUNDINGS. SLEEP IN.
REPAIRS Ki.ee EXPERIENCED with regular otfice work. Full or part! lima LI i Skv Merchant, The Summit, Hair Pin: 4, Reniel, Big Heart. Pilot Model; 5, Nabhs, Tribunal, Rirrh Rrook: 8. Supper Vonev. Riprella, Here Come Jie: 7, Motor Line, Mighty Baker.
Dark Charger: 8. Mr. Dubuque. Brian Bom, Plcni; Quarter-Master, Road-Star. Tunesmilh.
Ph ll o. i L'ARTISTE, flower, for ever. ALL kinds of garden work hedges, ehenhs. I ores. ion.
Open everr oav e-ii. sunniviiFAf Technician Service In STENOGRAPHER-CLERK patios, sodding ate. Res. irmole prices. Call HUnter 9-2273.
WOMAN warned between the age of 20-! 'needed. Rand made hets end also Montreal. Call -wi. uuaranteea a rtav In al.e fn I millll. Mill au Uenla.
HArhonr 9442 RAYMOND 1-2T7I nours ot work, day week. Able to mskef up to $13 1 day alter 3 days of traimna. I srnTaTrin i irrr. WOODBINE HEALTHY TURF. 20c PER SQUARE hi I al 1 uirwiira, curia ins Fully ESC RANGES television, radio eervire VEN1X)ME $172.
an, flWWI m.a. own model. Ssilsfar- day 4477 Si RE'l'LTS op. ftira- Catherine Street, East. tion gutranteed.
Tpeaw pekJt em V- $mm. fr-Ati rt, I eweia tesvo I Repairs RICH toowU 2 tone 110; tons IS. EL rueranlred. CRescent -l812. CRearenl e-lwnod 117? Reeeonable priced.
POn- Isl: 4 and atwmkmg, egeC 2j to 13. ner-tsnsnt emnlovment, with established amih! company. Shipping exner. enee denrable, but not eexsary. f.roun pennon health and li'e Insurance nisi.
Good salary. PLaleai Jijl i. a-MU. Forever Wise. Podriguel 'HI 111 tn dr.swa mae-ti, spfrTaT "tl 'Zrr-Jr 1 loerna Right Wwk TOINO woman le-IS.
hilmgual to he rilS P''1 telephone service work Good ea'ery aad working conditions. Telethon HUnter BEHSBOROUGB 3 so 4 7n 7 orrfer. AReretioee. V-itV, k.k 1 i e-Lt gereieM. ere eeeds fi ne K.
orHee I't. BARBOUR 041, graaa seeds Tt.n: rilling esrt. arvis, Blllldnxl ig. rn.wnod 1177, Viet rtJfh4l my tomertark, Ded lMy 1 fc lh kerf 1.11. A'sei: Tmir Da koree, Klnes Road, Wrre Author, Tn, AmMAtm tmA.